
Join the fun as we explore all the cool/crazy/awesome there is to see and do here in Japan! Alice is the former president of Otakorp Inc., the company behind Otakon, one of the largest Japanese Animation & Culture festivals in North America.  She’s also worked with Anime Expo and Japan Expo as well as JOMO JET, a CLAIR based organization within the Prefectural Government of Gunma Japan, to bring all of the exciting things Japan has to offer to the world. She lived in Japan for five years, and is an active illustrator and social media fiend.
Follow along on twitter! – http://twitter.com/vyxle

And Facebook! – https://www.facebook.com/superhappyawesomeyay

13 Responses to About

  1. Susan Volkmar says:

    Hi, Alice–
    Want you to know that lots of people who know that you and Sean are in Japan have been in touch to see how you are doing. I am sorry some of your friends are leaving, and I can’t imagine trying to pressure you to give up an opportunity you’ve worked toward for so long! I just wish I could win a free trip to Japan to get to see you….in the meantime, all the best as you struggle toward “normalcy” with the rest of your adopted country.


  2. Kaley says:

    Hey Alice and Sean! I have a question for you two! On my blog I have an ongoing series that features Japan Bloggers talking about their favorite places. I’d love to feature you guys! All I would need is a paragraph or so, maybe a picture, about your favorite place in Japan. Here are some links to previous posts I’ve made in the series. If interested, please email me at kaleyjapan@gmail.com! Thanks!


  3. Shinai Aya says:

    Hey! I am really impressed with your blog! I have to make this quick since I am in a rush.

    My blog is called Shinai Aya (http://shinaiaya.wordpress.com) and my dream is to one day live and teach English in Japan. So I started a blog about my life but the problem is that I’m getting hardly any traffic. May I ask that you advertise my blog on your blog since your blog is doing very well? In return I will do the same for you.

    Waiting for your reply!

  4. Beth says:

    Just wanted to let you guys know that I love your blog 🙂

  5. Haikugirl says:

    Congratulations! You have been nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award: http://haikugirl.me/2012/04/01/the-very-inspiring-blogger-award/ because I love reading your blog!(^_^)v

  6. Hello Sean and Alice!

    I run a monthly podcast called Bridges in which I feature a single content creator out of Japan and their content. I was really hoping that you two would let me feature your site on this month’s show.

    This doesn’t require any effort on your part besides your permission to talk about your site while doing some screenshots of some of your content.

    You can think of it as a 10-15 minute commercial for your blog and an effort to promote your stuff. Of course, your site will be linked in both the video and the corresponding blog.

    Let me know what you think!

    Hiroki Matsuuchi

  7. Sandra says:

    You had me at Mountain Dew corn snacks. Thanks!

  8. Thai Village says:

    Hi there.
    “Under a cherry tree, there are no strangers.”

    Kobayashi Issa

  9. Watsa says:

    Hi Alice,
    I came across your blog while looking for a painting of Songkran Festival in Thailand, https://superhappyawesome.wordpress.com/2014/04/28/songkran-%E0%B8%AA%E0%B8%87%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%95%E0%B9%8C/.
    I am wondering if you could please contact me regarding the royalty fee of using this image for a souvenir distributed at a culture event in Irvine, CA. Please contact me at watsa.ch@gmail.com. I can give you more information about this volunteer project. Thank you very much and look forward to hearing from you.

  10. kanzensakura says:

    Found this site by accident. Loving forward to receiving posts from you in the future. I am also a WP BLOGGER…two websites, a mishmash of South meets East…..Kanzen Sakura and poetry only blog, Aki no Koe. Interested to see your work and interest in anime and your living in Japan. Nice meeting you. I hope you will come visit and feel welcomed. I have paraphrased Issa ‘ s quote to meet the South meets East….There are no strangers beneath the magnolia tree. It hearken back to the post about my first haiku, written at 6.

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